

      資料分類:藝術類設計 上傳會員:fuyifan 更新時間:2014-05-26
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      摘  要:人類的世界是一個色彩的世界。著名的包豪斯教員約翰內斯· 伊頓曾經說過:“沒有色彩的世界在我們看來就像死的一般。”色彩本身是沒有任何情感的,可色彩一旦與人們的生活有了聯系,人們就可以通過色彩來表達情感。



      關鍵詞:色彩心理 室內空間設計 應用模式 餐飲空間


      ABSTRACT:The survival of the human world is a world of colors. The famous Bauhaus teacher Johannes • Eaton said, "A world without color seems to us like dead general color is not sentimental, but, once the color of human life contact, has become people express feelings tools.

        Heighten the atmosphere of restaurant space discusses the full range of dining space design color psychology, aiming at the rational use of the establishment of the theme of the restaurant and color, and the color of the dishes with consumers left a deep impression enhance the appetite of consumers, and consumers feel relaxed and so set a good restaurant brand so as to achieve the purpose of profit.

        Sum up experience in the design of the different design research in the application of color psychology planning dining space which can make people more comfortable space in this space where people can meet their spiritual consumption, making the dining space value far beyond its the actual function, become the people's spiritual and cultural life of the material carriers. Dining space should even become a window of a city, so that people understand the urban experience of regional restaurant features. Emotional understanding of color, be rational scientific analysis, in order to improve the overall level of interior design colors to meet the people's psychological, can improve the efficiency of the work! Adding the spice of life, to create a better working and living the environment has an important significance.

      Keywords:color psychology;interior design;application mode;dining space

      上傳會員 fuyifan 對本文的描述:色彩運用的正確與否,直接影響到消費者對菜品,對餐廳,甚至整個品牌的印象。所以色彩對人的食欲起到了決定性作用。什么樣的色彩搭配能調節好餐廳內部的氛圍并烘托主題?人們......
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