

      資料分類:藝術類設計 上傳會員:園丁小瞳 更新時間:2013-09-26
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:6957
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      Abstract:Currently on the market are mostly traditional dress dress. The color to white, beige, garment structure is conserved without too much change, facing the new social people aesthetic improvement, traditional dress to cannot satisfy consumer publicity personality, highlighted the temperament characteristic, then emerge as the times require new dress. The new dress in color, style and structure are made into the various nature of the breakthrough, with distinctive cultural characteristics of the elements. For example, with strong elements of army uniform, bionic elements. In this thesis, based on the traditional dress of introduction, on the new dress what is produced, and the design value of doing an in-depth study. The paper will also design their own example to combine, in-depth analysis, elaborated traditional dress integrated into the structure of the subject. The paper also new dress style diversification has its own opinion at the end of the paper, a new dress to produce and design research is complied with the time development, it has certain realistic meaning and significance. How should we sum up, improve, design a better dress

      Key Words:The traditional dress, a new dress, structure, example, style diversification






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