

      資料分類:藝術類設計 上傳會員:大學校花 更新時間:2013-09-30
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      Abstract:Gazebo, in modern life, is the connection of indoor and outdoor transition area, usually from building a layer or second extension, and the buildings can be used as a top platform balconies. Not to say in our terrace of the living environment of essential position with, but also is not new and increasingly important part of it. And because the outer wall of terrace prominent, the light is enough, modern city people love on the terrace planting or put the beautiful flowers and green plants, then put on furniture, so in the home side a little heaven and earth, also can enjoy nature, or about your friends, enjoy the party on the terrace, chat say ground, is it a pleasure?

      The Japanese garden "dry landscape" quite suitable for this little space adornment design. The Chinese garden in the pile of mountain made water exquisite comes from nature, the pursuit of a is for artificial, wan since opening day, "state, and Japanese" dry landscape "by China a buddhist schools" zen "influence, with a kind of" solitude "border. It is originally from temples and ChanYuan, monks will the sea, rivers and mountains, forests of such a huge natural landscape into tiny rocks, trees, and gravel in, let a person experience "spend a world, a leaf one" bodhi mind feeling. Although no carpet, but that would calm, appreciate life.

      Keywords: gazebo, Japanese garden, contracted exquisite, dry landscape


      上傳會員 大學校花 對本文的描述:日式庭院的“枯山水”相當適合這種小空間的裝飾設計。中國園林在堆山造水上講究源于自然,追求一種“雖為人造,宛自天開”的境界,而日式的“枯山水”受到中國的一支佛教流派......
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