

      資料分類:醫藥學院 上傳會員:皇族girl 更新時間:2014-09-03
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      摘要 目的:制備槐定堿分子印跡聚合物,研究槐定堿分子印跡聚合物的吸附性及體外釋藥特性。方法:用沉淀聚合法制備槐定堿分子印跡聚合物,分別用吸附動力學、靜態吸附及平衡吸附試驗對分子印跡聚合物進行吸附性研究;研究在不同溶劑介質中和不同pH條件下槐定堿分子印跡聚合物吸附性;考察人工胃液條件下槐定堿分子印跡聚合物體外釋放特性。結果:吸附性試驗表明MIPs對槐定堿具有明顯的特異性吸附能力;溶液介質及pH對槐定堿分子印跡聚合物的吸附性有一定的影響;體外釋放實驗表明槐定堿分子印跡聚合物有緩釋效果。結論:分子印跡聚合物可顯著提高藥物的生物利用度并具有緩釋效果。

      關鍵詞: 分子印跡 槐定堿 體外釋藥 吸附性


      Abstract  Objective: Preparation of sophoridine molecularly imprinted polymer, adsorption and release characteristics in vitro of sophoridine molecularly imprinted polymers. Methods: Preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers containing sophoridine by precipitation polymerization, and the molecular imprinted polymer adsorption study on adsorption kinetics, adsorption and equilibrium adsorption experiment; The molecularly imprinted polymer adsorption study on adsorption kinetics, adsorption and equilibrium adsorption experiment; Study on the effect of sophoridine molecularly imprinted polymer adsorption conditions in different solvents and different pH conditions; In vitro release test of sophoridine molecularly imprinted polymer drug release study. Results: Adsorption experiments show that MIPs has specific adsorption ability significantly of sophoridine; The solution medium and pH has some influence on the adsorption of sophoridine molecularly imprinted polymers; Pharmacokinetic experiments show that, compared with the raw material medicine, molecular imprinted polymer bioavailability significantly increased and sustained release effect preliminary. Conclusion: Significantly improve the bioavailability of drugs and has sustained release effect can be molecularly imprinted polymer.

      Key words: Molecular imprinting  sophoridine  release in vitro  adsorption

      上傳會員 皇族girl 對本文的描述:利用分子印跡技術選擇性負載槐定堿,制成槐定堿分子印跡聚合物,可減緩藥物釋放速率,降低用藥頻率,進而長時間維持最佳治療藥物濃度,降低藥物毒副作用。本實驗將構建槐定堿......
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