

      資料分類:醫藥學院 上傳會員:阿里夫人 更新時間:2014-12-13
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      摘 要:目的 通過對在校大學生的主動性人格特征和創造力水平進行調查分析,探討二者的相關性和相互影響。方法 采用《主動性人格調查問卷》(中國版)和《威廉斯創造力傾向量表》對293名在校大學生進行問卷調查,并對所得數據進行統計分析。結果 (1)大學生主動性人格特征在性別、年級、專業上存在顯著差異;(2)大學生創造力傾向水平在部分變量上存在顯著差異;(3)大學生主動性人格特征和創造力傾向水平存在一定負相關性,主動性人格特征對創造力水平有顯著預測作用。

      關鍵詞  大學生,主動性人格,創造力


      ABSTRACT:Objective:Based on proactive personality characteristics and level of creativity of college students were investigated, to explore the relationship between them and mutual influence.Method:Adopt the proactive personality questionnaire (Chinese version) and the scale of Williams creativity tendency questionnaire survey was conducted on 293 college students, and the obtained data were analyzed.Result:1) the college students' proactive personality characteristics exist significant differences in gender, grade, professional;2) college students' creativity tends to level significant differences on the part of the variable;3) college students' proactive personality and creativity tendency level exist a negative correlation, proactive personality has a positive influence on students' creativity .

        Key Words: Undergraduate, Proactive Personality, Creativity

      上傳會員 阿里夫人 對本文的描述:創造力的發展是通過內因和外因共同起作用的,而內因往往是事物形成和發展的根本動因,發揮著決定性的作用。近年來,隨著社會的高速發展,人們精神壓力的不斷增大,焦慮、抑郁......
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