

      資料分類:幼兒教育 上傳會員:失去才懂珍惜 更新時間:2014-03-05
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      摘要: 本研究采用觀察法和訪談法,對杭州市某幼兒園將讀經納入幼兒園語言教育活動的情況展開調查。本文在深入了解一線教師及家長對幼兒讀經的態度以及對幼兒能否讀經,儒家經典能否進入幼兒園課程等問題的基礎上,分析了教師和家長們對幼兒讀經現象的看法,指出目前讀經所可能具有的合理性與不足。希望通過此項研究為幼教一線以及家長們提供一些幫助和啟示。

      關鍵詞:  教師;家長;幼兒讀經;爭論


      Abstract:This study used observation and interviews, the children about the current situation of reading classics in hangzhou into kindergarten language education will investigate activity. Based on thorough understanding of preschool teachers and parents a reading of infant can attitude and reading, Confucian classics can enter the problems such as kindergarten curriculum was analyzed on the basis of teachers and parents for preschool reciting the opinion that at present the phenomenon that may have been reading rationality and the insufficiency. Hope that through the study for preschool education first and parents provide some help and enlightenment. 

      Key words: Teachers; Parents; Children read classics, Debate





      上傳會員 失去才懂珍惜 對本文的描述:本文在深入了解一線教師及家長對幼兒讀經的態度以及對幼兒能否讀經,儒家經典能否進入幼兒園課程等問題的基礎上,分析了教師和家長們對幼兒讀經現象的看法,指出目前讀經所可......
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