

      資料分類:藝術學院 上傳會員:勤勞小蜜蜂 更新時間:2013-12-23
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      關鍵詞:青少年 現代媒體 形體 影響


      ABSTRACT:Body awareness is a personal form of self including height, weight, shape, and other indicators of subjective understanding;The formation of his body from the recognition of the individual through their own, complete view of others and the social message of refraction, and thus make a comprehensive image of the external position and evaluation. Form of individual recognition for their own self will be directly reflected in the attitudes and behavior Overflowing in such an information age, the contemporary generation of young people than ever enjoy better and more convenient information: television, radio, Internet, new media have entered our lives in all directions. Physical knowledge in young people, in addition to the traditional concept to grasp the general direction of the macro, modern media in the micro impact of subtle consciousness is undoubtedly the most critical. Media content through the correct understanding of the media influence young people to master the correct form of cognitive, in order to better improve the effect of the use of the media, on this basis, fosters a better appreciation of the content of communication and critical Spirit. The shape of the formation of more scientific knowledge.

      Key words: youth ;modern media ;body; influence


      上傳會員 勤勞小蜜蜂 對本文的描述:通過對媒體傳播內容的正確認識,對傳媒影響青少年形體認知的正確掌握,才能更好的提高對媒體的使用效果,在此基礎上更好的培養青少年對傳播內容的鑒賞力與批判精神。形成更為......
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