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摘要:虛擬儀器(Virtual Instrument,簡稱VI)是儀器技術與計算機技術深層次結合的產物,它是全新概念的儀器,使測量儀器與計算機之間的界限消失,是對傳統概念儀器的重大突破,是儀器產業發展一個重要方向。 本文首先論述了虛擬儀器的發展、特點、概念及其意義,介紹了 LabWindows/CVI的開發平臺及集成環境;然后重點闡述了基于LabWindows/CVI的虛擬信號發生器的設計過程,實現了波形的幅值、頻率、相位和采樣頻率均可調的三角波、正弦波、方波及鋸齒波等四種波形的發生器;最后采用網絡通信中間件Data Socket技術,將信號發送到遠程計算機,實現了網絡化信號發生器。 本文設計的基于LabWindows/CVI的虛擬信號發生器與傳統的信號發生器相比,具有性能價格比高,功能擴展性好,開發周期短、實用性強等眾多優點。 關鍵詞 虛擬儀器;信號發生器;LabWindows/CVI;DataSocket
Abstract:Virtual instrument (listed VI) is the deep-level product of the instrument technology and computer technology. It is a brand-new concept of the apparatus, makes the line between measurement equipments and computers disappear. It is a major breakthrough to the concept of traditional equipment. It is an important development direction to equipment industry. This paper first discusses the development, features, concept and significance of virtual instrument, and introduces the platform for the development and integration environment on the LabWindows / CVI. Then it focuses on the design process of the virtual signal generator based on LabWindows / CVI. The signal generator can realize four waveforms such as the triangular wave, sine wave, square wave and saw tooth wave. And the amplitude, frequency, phase and sampling frequency of the waveforms can be adjusted. Finally with the network communication middleware Data Socket technology, the signal is sent to the remote computer. Thus, we can achieve a network of virtual signal generator. To compare with the traditional signal generator, the virtual signal generator based on LabWindows/CVI will have a high cost performance, good functional scalability, short development cycle ,strong practicability and many other advantages. Keywords virtual instrument signal generator LabWindows/CVI DataSocket
目前,在一些發達國家虛擬儀器技術非常先進,虛擬儀器產品廣泛地應用在工業控制、通訊、自動化、電子、電力、生化制藥和工業生產等各種領域。而在我國基本上還處于傳統測試儀器與計算機脫離的狀態,其發展潛力很大,因而研究與應用虛擬儀器技術可以迅速發展我國的儀器產業,對提高工業界的測試水平具有深遠的意義。 虛擬儀器對測量儀器發展的深刻意義還在于,虛擬儀器的功能可以由用戶根據需要自行設計軟件來定義和擴展,而不是像傳統儀器那樣,功能只能由廠家事先定義并且固定不可變更。這樣,用戶不必購買多臺不同功能或是昂貴的集多種功能于一體的傳統儀器,也不必不斷購買新的儀器。因為虛擬儀器與計算機同步發展,與網絡及其他外部設備互連,用戶只需根據需要改變軟件程序就可以不斷賦予或者擴展增強它的功能,從這個意義上說,意義的設計及制造不再是儀器廠家的專利。虛擬儀器開創了儀器使用者可以成為儀器設計者的時代,這將給儀器使用者帶來無盡的收益。