

      資料分類:設計作品 上傳會員:你好,學長 更新時間:2013-11-12
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      摘要:隨著時代的變遷,信息技術被廣泛的應用,網絡在人們生活和交際中的運用越來越廣泛。 人才招聘網站為應聘者提供了方便、快捷的應聘途徑。對招聘企業單位來說,人才招聘網站也為他們提供了查詢、檢索應聘者信息的平臺,使招聘工作變得輕松易行。個人應聘者和企業招聘可以通過Internet平臺,突破時間和空間的限制,實現工作求職和企業單位的人才招聘。網上人才招聘相較于傳統招聘來說具有招聘范圍廣,信息量大,可挑選余地大,成本少,優化時間安排等新特點,大大方便了廣大用戶的需求。

         本系統是使用的ASP.NET開發基于B/S體系結構的Web應用程序,在Microsoft Visual Studio 2010環境下,用 C# 編程語言并結合Microsoft SQL Server 2008 數據庫開發的一套網上人才招聘系統。系統可根據登錄身份判斷該角色可行使的不同權限,從而實現了用戶注冊、登錄、搜索/查看用戶信息等功能。個人求職用戶把簡歷提交給自己中意的企業/單位,企業用戶通過提交的簡歷信息取得自己中意求職者的聯系方式進行招聘面試通知,后臺管理員則通過系統對整個網站進行管理。

      關鍵詞: 網上人才招聘系統 ;ASP.NET ; 企業用戶 ;個人用戶


      Abstract:With the time changing, Information technology is widely used, network is more widely used in people's life. Recruitment website is convenient and fast for candidates. It is a platform which provide recruiters with inquire the information of candidates, also make recruitment more simple. Individual candidates and corporate recruiters can break through the restrictions of time and space through the Internet platform to achieve the Recruitment job search and business units. Compared to traditional recruitment , Online Recruitment has a wide range of recruitment, large amount of information, large choice, less costs, optimize the timing of new features, which greatly facilitates the needs of customers.    This system used the ASP.NET development based on B / S architecture Web application in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 environment, using the C # programming language combined with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database developed a set of online talent recruitment system. It can judge the competence by different user to achieve user registration, login, view the user information and so on. Individual users submitted the resume to the Enterprise which they liked, and business users get the numbers by the resume for interview. Administrator manage the website through the system.     

      Keywords  Online Recruitment System   ASP.NET   business users   individual users.






      上傳會員 你好,學長 對本文的描述:本系統是使用的ASP.NET開發基于B/S體系結構的Web應用程序,在Microsoft Visual Studio 2010環境下,用 C# 編程語言并結合Microsoft SQL Server 2008 數據庫開發的一套網上人才招聘系統。......
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