

      資料分類:設計作品 上傳會員:莉雅 更新時間:2013-12-03
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      Abstract: The power plant and the transformer substation bus bar is in an electrical power system's important building block, generator's safe operation to guaranteed that electrical power system's normal work and the electrical energy quality are playing the decisive role; Furthermore but the transformer is the electrical power system very important power supply part, the generator, the transformer itself are the very precious electrical elements, therefore, relay protection installment to large hydroelectric station normal operation very important function.

         The design that a design mainly carries on a lord of electricity to connect the line and protective relaying to 2×100 mw water electricity station. This design altogether includes six chapters, to the bus bar, the generator, transformer's relay protection carries on separately introduced in detail, and gives the related installation computation, draws the partial secondary circuit chart. All design contents are compute on board complete, and drew the electricity lord to connect the line diagram and go together with the electricity device cross section diagram and go together with the plane chart of give or get an electric shock the device in AUTOCAD, and to the related electric power system translation and the study of the outside text. 

      Key word: Hydropower station,; relay protection; generator, ;transformer ; bus bar; secondary circuit





      上傳會員 莉雅 對本文的描述:電氣主接線是由電氣設備通過連接線,按其功能要求組成接受和分配電能的電路,成為傳輸強電流,高電壓的網絡,由于發電、變電、輸電和用電是同時進行且同時完成,所以主接線設......
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