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摘要:實現(xiàn)科學養(yǎng)殖飼料的營養(yǎng)配置是關鍵,一些動物的飼料的配置要求高,比如寵物及動物園的一些珍稀動物。由人工來配置不能達到要求,而且效率不高,對于動物園及寵物養(yǎng)殖戶來說配料及攪拌的勞動量還比較大,據了解現(xiàn)在專門用于精飼料配置及攪拌為一體的專業(yè)機器還沒有,這很大程度上制約了養(yǎng)殖的科學性和高效性。 針對上面的情況,需要設計出一臺能完成相應任務的機器來代替人工攪拌和配料的飼料機器。本設計為寵物豬的飼料攪拌機。由專業(yè)的機器來完成人們的勞動還可以避免人工攪拌和配料的一些不足,既能完成相應的任務,又能提高勞動生產率和改善人們的勞動條件,最終實現(xiàn)生產的高度機械化和自動化,從而促進我國國民經濟的發(fā)展,改善人民生活。 第一章首先介紹了本設計選題的目的及意義,闡述了現(xiàn)在的發(fā)展狀況。第二章是本設計的主要部分,包括原動機的選擇、減速器的設計、攪拌輪的設計,攪拌軸的設計。第三章是控制配料裝置的設計,控制程序的設計。第四章是總結本設計的優(yōu)點和不足。 關鍵詞:自動飼料攪拌機;自動化;機械化
ABSTRACT:Realization of scientific breeding feed nutrition configuration is the key, concentrated feed configuration requirements, by manual configuration cannot meet the requirement, and the efficiency is not high, for large breed, amount of labor is relatively large, it is understood now devoted to the fine feed configuration and stirring machine is not professional, this largely restricted cultivation of the scientific and efficient. In view of the above situation, we need to design a can complete the task of machine to replace the manual mixing and batching machine. By the specialized machine to complete the work you can also avoid the artificial mixing and burdening some deficiencies, which can accomplish the task, but also can improve labor productivity and the improvement of people's working condition, finally realize the production of a high degree of mechanization and automation, so as to promote the development of our national economy, improve the people's life. The first chapter introduces the design of the purpose and significance of topics, elaborated the development of now. The second chapter is the design of the main parts, including the original motivation for the choice, reducer design, mixing round design, the design of agitating shaft. The third chapter is to control the batching device design, the design of the control program. The fourth chapter is a summary of the design of the advantages and disadvantages. Key words: Automatic feed mixer;Automation;Mechanization
選題的目的及意義 實現(xiàn)科學養(yǎng)殖飼料的營養(yǎng)配置是關鍵,對于一些特殊的動物飼料的配置要求高,由人工來配置不能達到要求,而且效率不高,對于大型養(yǎng)殖戶來說勞動量還比較大,據了解現(xiàn)在專門用于精飼料配置及攪拌的專業(yè)機器還沒有,這很大程度上制約了養(yǎng)殖的科學性和高效性。若使用本設計的攪拌機可以科學的進行飼料混合,而且操作簡單,實現(xiàn)科學養(yǎng)殖,生產自動化,節(jié)省勞動力和時間。 國內外發(fā)展狀況 在我國的大多數養(yǎng)殖戶的養(yǎng)殖方法還不叫落后,機械的運用相對國外發(fā)達國家較落后,養(yǎng)殖戶在飼料的攪拌和配比都是由人工來完成,還沒有一臺專業(yè)的設備來代替人力完成相應的任務,人們都是用手來攪拌混合飼料,飼料的配比也只是靠經驗來完成,非常的不科學,勞動效率低。所以應該設計出比較專業(yè)的飼料攪拌和配比的機器,來提高生產率,提高養(yǎng)殖的科學水平,改善人們的生活條件,促進國民經濟發(fā)展。