

      資料分類:設計作品 上傳會員:勤勞小蜜蜂 更新時間:2013-12-24
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      摘要:隨著中國房地產業以及相關新興產業的迅猛發展,升降平臺市場需求不斷擴大,中國的升降機市場被世界看好,隨著中國升降機產業的不斷成熟,對升降機技術要求越來越高,依照傳統研發模式,新產品的開發通常需要經歷初始設計、樣機生產、技術與性能測試、改進設計、設計定型、大批量生產等步驟。這種的研發模式成本高,研發周期較長,樣機的性能測試不夠全面。因此,設計師需要一種新的方法和途徑來解決所面臨的問題,虛擬樣機技術(Virtual Prototyping)正是在這樣的需求下驅動產生的,擁有了虛擬樣機技術的強大支持,設計師就可以從容的解決這些問題。

         本文基于虛擬樣機技術,使用三維設計軟件Epigraphic NX4.0對簡單機構分別用Step函數、If函數、SHF函數、POLY函數對其進行運動仿真,最終對剪式升降平臺進行建模仿真。并賦以函數進行精準控制,從而實現對機械的干涉分析,跟蹤零件的運動軌跡,分析機構中零件的速度、加速度、作用力、反作用力和力矩等。運動仿真的結果可以指導修改零件的結構設計或者調整零件的材料,對設計方案進行優化完善。通過多種復雜函數加載運動參數,更加精準的模擬機械實際運動情況。另外分析對比各復雜函數的適用范圍與條件,為綜合運用供參考,最終實現對剪式升降平臺的仿真動畫和各種參數的輸出。



      ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of Chinese real estate and emerging industries, the market demand of the lifting platform continues to expand, China lifts market optimistic about the world, with the lift industry continues to mature, more and more high to lift the technical requirements, in accordance with the traditional R & D mode, the development of new products usually need to go through the initial design, prototype production, technology and performance testing to improve the design, the design finalized, the mass production steps. This mode of R & D costs, longer development cycle, and the performance testing of the prototype is not comprehensive enough. Therefore, designers need a new ways and means to solve the problems faced by virtual prototype technology (Virtual Prototyping) It is in such demand-driven, have strong support of virtual prototyping technology, designers can calm to solve these problems.

         3D design software based on virtual prototyping technology, the use of the Epigraphic NX4.0 simple institutions with Step function, the If function, SHF function POLY function, motion simulation, and ultimately the scissor lift platform modeling and simulation. And to give precise control functions, in order to achieve the mechanical interference analysis, tracking the trajectory of the parts, analysis parts speed, acceleration, force, reaction force and torque. Motion simulation results can guide to modify parts of the structure design or adjustment of parts, materials, design, optimize the sound. Motion parameters are loaded through a variety of complex functions, more accurate simulation of mechanical movement. Analysis of the scope and conditions for comparison of complex functions, for reference for the comprehensive use of ultimate realization of the simulation animation and a variety of scissor lift platform the parameters of the output.

      Keywords: Lifting platform; virtual prototyping technology; Complex functions; motion simulation; UX4.0: Function


      上傳會員 勤勞小蜜蜂 對本文的描述:本文基于虛擬樣機技術,使用三維設計軟件Epigraphic NX4.0對簡單機構分別用Step函數、If函數、SHF函數、POLY函數對其進行運動仿真,最終對剪式升降平臺進行建模仿真。......
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