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摘要:核桃在我國24 個省(區)都有栽培,其種植面積和產量均居世界首位。目前,我國核桃栽培面積已達到150萬公頃,核桃年產量達50 萬噸。核桃是我國的傳統出口產品,是國際市場的主要競爭力產品之一。據測定,剛采收后的核桃青皮含水率為40%~50%, 如此高的水分含量很容易使核桃采收后腐爛變質,所以應盡快脫掉堅果外面的青皮,以保持堅果面潔凈,增加商品外觀品質,提高核桃的附加值。與手工剝離青皮相比較,機械剝離青皮可提高工效20 倍以上。 并且可以避免青皮對手的損傷。與直接運輸青皮核桃相比,脫皮后的核桃不但節約運輸成本,而且還增加運輸的數量,對農戶和商戶來說都能夠增加收益。因此,加強對青核桃脫皮機械的開發研究,不僅可以提高農戶和商戶的經濟收入,而且能夠有效處理固體廢棄物,變廢為寶。 核桃青果皮的剝離是核桃收獲后加工的一項重要工序,它對保證商品核桃的品質有重要的作用。核桃果實主要由外層青果皮、內層硬果殼和種仁3部分組成。當青果皮成熟而表面出現裂紋時,核桃堅果與青果皮容易分離而剝離。但是由于青果皮和種仁成熟時間不一致。在高溫干燥地區種仁先于青果皮成熟,待外層青果皮成熟,容易剝離下來時,種仁已到了過熟階段,此時收獲的核桃種仁色澤較深,從而降低了核桃的商品品質。 關鍵字:核桃;青皮;破損;剝離
ABSTRACT:Mold is a technology-intensive product, capital-intensive industries in China’s national economy, the position are very important. Mould industry has been China formally identified as fundamental industry, known as "the mother of industrial". 75% of rough machining industry product parts, 50% of the machining parts by molds and most plastic products also by molds. So I chose Chargers Case mold design as the graduation design topic, the following is design of the main content: (1) Introduced the plastic mould development status and development trend of plastic mold, expounds the modern social economic development is the indispensable and mould manufacturing technology level of measure of a national product products is one of the important signs of horizontal discretion. (2) Shows the 3D modeling graphics molded parts; analyzes the technology of plastic parts, mainly is determined according to the plastics materials for shrinkage and draft, molded parts structure analysis identified wall thickness and precision. (3) Introduced the design injection molding process conditions; Make casting 3d drawing using UG modeling software model analysis function of the plastic parts, through the analysis of the quality attributes the quality of plastic parts XS attribute preliminary chose injection, which ZY/500 - injection molding machine introduces specification and performance. (4) Mainly introduces the design of die structure. First to mold cavity number scheme of the argument, arranged form, classification and determine the; Secondly the detailed introduces the design of gating system, including the mainstream way, the design of shunt way spruce, then to exhaust institutions, cold material feeding stem hole and pull the design of the size of the parts, detailed calculated; At last, the paper introduces the launch institutions and temperature control system design, here, meet new design institutions is an important question: because of special shape, not directly cup, so increased profile remolding parting institutions, thus adding to the core-pulling distance and stripping force etc calculation and design, the meanest is oblique guide column, the design and calculating, this also is the design of a difficulty. (5) Is some parameters for injection checking and standard formwork choice, here was checked injection quantity biggest, clamping force, open mold trip. Finally some parts of chart and equipment for drawing. Finally this design is summarized. Mainly to the design process, and the design review innovative and deficiencies summary. Keywords:Chargers Case; Injection mold; Side parting