

      資料分類:設計作品 上傳會員:雨橙 更新時間:2014-01-11
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      Abstract:The street light is indispensable to each city, along with improving the living conditions in China. building a moderately prosperous society and to improve labor productivity level goals, the increasingly high requirements on the quality of street lamps powered. In recent years, local governments have attached great importance to the city light work, the construction of urban lighting as an important measure to improve and beautify the urban environment. The city lights up, America has become a common understanding of the community. At the same time, the street lamp power quality should be guaranteed. This article from the street light system introduced some common problems in the street supply and distribution, street light materials selected, the choice of cable, transformer model selection and other supporting facilities, the reactive power compensation. Finally, comparison of several different energy-saving control method elected by the optimization program. 

      Keywords :power supply and distribution;streetlight;ballast; the compensation of reactive power





      上傳會員 雨橙 對本文的描述:本文從路燈的系統的介紹了路燈供配電中的一些常見問題,介紹了路燈材料的選取,電纜的選擇、變壓器型號的選擇及其它的配套設施,介紹了無功功率的補償方法。最后還對比幾種不......
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