

      資料分類:設計作品 上傳會員:姐妹花 更新時間:2014-01-21
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:15529
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      關鍵詞:沼氣  智能  單片機  溫控系統  上位機 


      ABSTRACT:Biogas energy is the best way to solve rural energy. However, the biogas fermentation process, there are many problems to be solved, the reactor temperature instability is the need to address an important factor. At present, most of the room temperature fermentation process, the process is constrained by environmental factors, in some seasons even stop the gas production. So provide an ideal temperature for methane fermentation environment is a the methane fermentation pressing problem. Ideal solar heating reactor, However, this process is also affected by environmental factors, and can not fully provide the desired temperature environment of the fermentation process. 

         This topic issue from the point of departure, the design temperature control system based on single chip solution temperature and humidity control as an auxiliary power unit, to achieve the ideal reactor temperature and humidity environments.The subject first analyzes the design of the system requirements and technical specifications, determine the system's overall program. Then consider the performance and size of the economic factors and selection of in-depth study of various chips and components designed to achieve the temperature of the real-time detection, display and control output, the temperature and humidity values ??in the desired range, and has the upper machine communication, multi-point monitoring and other functions.

      Keywords: Biogas;Intelligent;MCU;Temperature control system;Position Machine


      上傳會員 姐妹花 對本文的描述:本課題從該問題點出發,設計基于單片機的溫控系統方案作為電能溫濕度控制的輔助裝置,實現反應器的理想溫濕度環境。該課題首先分析了該系統的設計要求和技術指標,確定系統的總體......
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