

      資料分類:設計作品 上傳會員:姐妹花 更新時間:2014-01-21
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      關鍵詞:32×32LED點陣  單片機  陣列驅動 光筆書寫


      ABSTRACT:LED dot matrix display of simple production, convenient installation, is widely used in various public places, but the electronic display screen can only do single "display" function, to achieve change, erase function display contents have to be implemented in computer. Can use the LED dot matrix display to achieve the "writing" function, this paper based on this idea, the design and fabrication of a based on writing display 32 * 32 dot-matrix LED module. Can be used on more occasions, such as school classrooms, toys etc..

      This paper mainly completed the design and production of a lattice resolution less than 32 × 32 writing LED display, controller of the management, can display text and pictures, have different display (for example: the upper and lower, left, right movement), may through the system design scheme of a LED display hardware, then concrete from the selection of writing LED display on the main components are introduced, selects high a pen on the screen to achieve light, lit and writing function.

      This paper first introduces the writing performance of STC12C5A16AD MCU, and improve the control speed and the ability of the system; use 1588BH-16LED dot matrix, to display intuitive, selects the 74LS138 triode and 8550 as the dot matrix line drive, 74LS595 cascade as a column driver. Then the paper describes the principle and method of general hardware write LED display screen, the design process were given, processing method and studies some common problems on the hardware. Finally through the test, the system meets the design requirements. But because the system is very complicated, resulting in the hardware welding is very rough, yet to be improved.

      Keywords: 32 × 32LED dot ;SCM;Array Drive ;Light pen to write


      上傳會員 姐妹花 對本文的描述:本文先介紹了書寫LED顯示屏硬件的系統設計方案,再具體從書寫LED顯示屏主要元器件的選型上進行介紹,選用了高性能STC12C5A16AD單片機,提高了系統的控制速度和能力;選用1588BH-16LED點......
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