

      資料分類:設計作品 上傳會員:隨心所欲 更新時間:2014-03-18
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        本設計是一個基于UDP的局域網聊天軟件,主要使用現在比較普遍和流行的C#語言,采用面向對象的方法,綜合運用數據庫編程技術、多線程開發技術、網絡通訊技術,以Microsoft Visual Studio 2008作為系統前臺應用程序開發工具,Microsoft SQL Server 2005作為后臺數據庫管理系統,在Windows XP平臺下進行開發。本設計的完成主要實現了以下功能:







      Abstract:Now,the local area network has been widely integrated into people's lives,the schools,businesses have established their own local area network,the communication is essential for people,so it is necessary to have a secure chat software in lan,it is the objective for the design。

        The topic of this paper is going to talk about that to design the chat software in lan based on udp. This local area network chat software using the design stream of the software project, using the C# language which is very common and popular, using the object-oriented approach, the technology of the database programming, multi-threading development technology and the network communication technology, makes Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 as the front application design tool, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 are used as the background DBMS( the database management system ), and it was programmed in the Windows XP System. The completion of the design to achieve the following main features:

        1.Implemented user registration,login,chat(encryption),server management and other functions.

        2.Communications from multiple users simutaneously.

        3.Support point to point filetransfer,voice transmission.

          Through the process of repeated tseting and operation,the design is safety and reliable,completed the design requirements for the lan chat software.

      Key Words: Local Area Network; Chat Software; C#; UDP protocol

      上傳會員 隨心所欲 對本文的描述:本畢業設計開發了一個局域網的聊天軟件。該聊天軟件分為服務器端和客戶端,采用的是C#語言,在Windows XP系統下,使用的開發工具是Microsoft Visual Studio 2008,運行于.NET平臺上,使用SQ......
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