

      資料分類:設計作品 上傳會員:隨心所欲 更新時間:2014-03-18
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        本文針對Linux下服務器集群問題研究,對HA高可用集群和LVS負載均衡集群進行了設計以及實現。通過Vmware Server來安裝了多個linux虛擬機,作為多個節點,實現了高可用集群和負載均衡集群的設計。實驗證明高可用集群和負載均衡集群可以提高服務器的穩定性和利用率。

      關鍵詞:集群技術; 高可用; 負載均衡; 擴展性; Linux


      Abstract:Cluster technology is a common technique, which aims to resolve the shortage of stand-alone computing resource, lack of the capacity of IO, improve service reliability and the scalability of scale and reduce  the cost of the whole system’s running ,upgrade and maintenance . As long as the other technology can not meet this objective circumstances, or it is able to meet this need while it costs a lot, we can consider using clustering technology to achieve the need of high performance, high availability and high scalability. 

          In this paper, I do some research in linux server clusters and design and implement the  high availability cluster for HA and LVS for load balancing cluster. In VMware Server I Install multiple linux virtual machine, as multiple nodes to achieve high availability clustering and load balancing cluster design. Experiments show that high availability clustering and load balancing cluster can increase server stability and utilization. 

      Keywords:  Cluster Technology;  HA;  Load balancing;  Expansibility;  linux

      上傳會員 隨心所欲 對本文的描述:Linux下服務器集群技術是大型數據中心的建設基礎技術,為數據中心提供了可靠性、高性能、可擴展的技術。隨著技術的進步和發展,以及用戶對計算能力和數據空間需求的增加,分布式......
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