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摘要:混沌是一種貌似無規則的運動,指在確定性非線性系統中,不需附加任何隨機因素亦可出現類似隨機的行為?;煦缦到y的最大特點就在于系統的演化對初始條件十分敏感,因此從長期意義上講,系統的未來行為是不可預測的。 混沌電路設計是混沌通信以及混沌加密等應用的先決條件,所以混沌電路的理論研究和設計具有十分重要的意義。同步化概念是經典的;它是根據兩個系統所產生的不同周期振蕩之間頻率接近的概念。同步化是耦合的相同振蕩器最簡單的效果:兩個或者多個相同振蕩器表示它們共同相空間內的相同動力學圖像。兩個相同,或者幾乎相同的振蕩器耦合在一起可以表示性能良好的同步化。即便對于混沌振蕩器來說,這也可以是正確的。 迄今為止,人們已經發現了多種同步的方法。例如:驅動-響應關系的混沌同步、相互耦合系統的混沌同步、偶然正比法實現混沌同步、外部噪聲法實現混沌同步、自適應控制實現混沌同步、非自治混沌系統的同步、主動-被動混沌同步、超混沌同步等等。本文主要研究驅動-響應關系的混沌同步實驗方案和原理。 關鍵詞:混沌同步電路; 電路演示; 軟件仿真顯示
Abstract:Chaos is a seemingly irregular movement, refers to a deterministic nonlinear system, without any additional random factors may also appear similar to the random behavior. The most import feature of chaotic systems is the evolution of the system's future behavior is unpredictable. Chaotic circuit design is a prerequisite for chaotic communications, chaotic encryption applications, so the theory and design of chaotic circuits is of great significance. Synchronization concept is a classic; it is a periodic oscillation frequency is close to the concept of two systems. Synchronization is the most simple coupled oscillator of the same effect: two or more of the same oscillator, said the image of the same dynamics in their common phase space. Two identical or nearly identical oscillators coupled with a good performance of the synchronization can be expressed. Even for the chaotic oscillator, which can also be correct. So far, people have found a variety of synchronization methods. For example: drive-response relationship of chaos synchronization, Chaos synchronization of the coupled system, method of occasional proportional to chaos synchronization, the external noise method to achieve chaos synchronization and adaptive control of chaotic synchronization, non-autonomous chaotic system synchronization, active-passive chaos synchronization hyperchaos synchronization and so on. In this paper, research-driven-response relationship of chaotic synchronization experiment program and principle. Key words: Chaos synchronization circuit; Circuit demonstrates; Software simulation shows |