

      資料分類:設計作品 上傳會員:julu1004 更新時間:2014-05-12
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      Abstract:Taximeter is both passengers and drivers of the transaction criteria, it is the taxi industry an important symbol, a taxi is the most important tools. It relates to the interests of both transactions. Has a good performance regardless of the meter is a vast number of taxi drivers or passengers are very necessary. Therefore, the car meter is also very much a study of value. 

         The design is based on a monolithic integrated circuit STC89C52 taxi billing design, with reset circuit, clocking circuit, keyboard circuit. e.

         The characters in the crystal that the initial12864, charges, fees mileage waiting time, three buttons can be adjusted by charging fees, just waiting time, mileage. Through the simulation of the taxi, buttons, stop. Suspension In the liquid crystal display can run 12864, operation time, when suspension can be obtained by the computation of the total cost.here is mainly for the core controller, STC89C52 SCM 

      Keyword: STC89C52;12864 LED;Taxi devices

      上傳會員 julu1004 對本文的描述:出租車計價器是乘客與司機雙方的交易準則,是出租車行業發展的重要標志,它關系著交易雙方的利益。現在,城市建設日益加快,象征著城市面貌的出租車行業也將加快發展,計價器......
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