

      資料分類:設計作品 上傳會員:小婷 更新時間:2014-06-06
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      摘  要:傳統空調由于基于減少能耗的考慮將室外新鮮空氣的送入量減為零或限制在很小的比例,因此室內有害物質由于得不到新風的充分稀釋而濃度不斷提高,引起了室內空氣品質(IAQ)的惡化。因此增加新風量以改善室內空氣品質顯得非常重要,全新風空調機組運行時可以稀釋細菌的濃度,改善室內空氣品質。然而隨著能源日趨緊張,節約能源已成為各界人士的共識。在建筑物的空調負荷中,新風負荷占相當大的比例。同時從室內排出的空氣中大量的熱(冷)量排放到大氣中,不僅給城市空氣造成熱污染,同時也浪費了大量的能源。利用室內排風做部分冷凝的節能型全新風空氣處理機組,采用“小風量大焓差”以及“利用排風節約能源”的設計理念,與回風型空調機相比,制冷量相同的機組,其風量僅為回風空調機的30%-50%,處理的空氣焓差為回風空調機的2-3倍,意味著滿足相同的負荷要求時全新風機組的送風溫差更大,且利用了室內排風,冷凝溫度下降機組性能得以提高。全新風機組作為獨立新風系統時可與多聯機空調系統、輻射供冷(暖)空調系統等配合使用。本文以一臺額定風量為4000m3/h的大焓差利用排風做部分冷凝型全新風機組為例,運用理論計算和設計與實驗比較的方法,詳細介紹設計一臺利用排風做部分冷凝的全新風空調機組的方法和步驟。機組以制冷設計為主,論文首先進行了理想循環和實際循環的熱力計算,不考慮風機散熱等的影響,能效比可分別達到5.06和3.77。蒸發器和冷凝器都采用翅片管式,采用控制過熱度和過冷度為定值的方法設計蒸發器和冷凝器的傳熱面積,蒸發器的名義傳熱面積為46.25m2,冷凝器的名義傳熱面積為149.88m2。為安全起見,為機組選擇了兩臺谷輪公司產的相同型號的封閉式壓縮機,名義制冷量滿足要求。為機組的閥門和附件進行了設計或選型,并對機組提出了控制要求。最后對課題研究過程進行了總結,并提出了本課題還需深入的后續研究。



      Abstract:The traditional air conditioning devices are designed to reuse the gas cycling in the rooms and confined the fresh air to a small proportion So indoor harmful substances without fully diluted concentration of fresh air and improve continuously.It causes indoor air quality (IAQ) worsely. It is vital important to increase fresh air in the rooms to improve the indoor air quality, which can be achieved by operating an overall fresh air conditioning unit. However,with increasingly nervous energy, save energy has become the consensus of people from all walks of life. In building the new-wind load in air conditioning load, accounts for a considerable proportion. Meanwhile from indoor air exhaust (cold) a lot of heat quantity emissions into the atmosphere. Not only give urban air pollution caused by heat, also wasted a lot of energy. The use of indoor air exhaust energy-saving overall fresh air conditioning unit takes ‘little air volume, great enthalpy difference’ and “use exhaust to save energy “as it’s designing eidos. Compares to an air-return conditioning unit, when they have the same refrigerating capacity, air processed by the overall fresh air conditioning unit is about 30%~50% of the latter’s, of which the enthalpy difference is 2~3 times. It means that the overall fresh air conditioning unit is larger in sending-air temperature difference. And use indoor exhaust, Condensate temperature drop unit performance can be improved.The overall fresh air conditioning unit may cooperate with VRV system, radiate floor system and etc. the thesis took an overall fresh air conditioning unit with a rated air volume of 4000 cubic meter per hour for example, used theoretical calculation and designing to particularly introduce the methods and steps to design an use of indoor air exhaust energy-saving overall fresh air conditioning unit with great enthalpy difference.The conditioning unit was mainly designed under refrigerating conditions, thermal calculation of both ideal and practical cycle were progressed firstly. The energy efficiency ratio (abbr. EER) is 5.06 and 3.77 of the ideal cycle and the practical cycle, respectively, neglecting the effecting of the heat produced by fans. The evaporator and condenser were fin-tube, the heat transfer area of the evaporator and condenser were calculated by confining the super heat and sub cooling to a fixed value, the heat transfer area of the evaporator and condenser under named conditions are 28.9 square metrers and 118 square metrers, respectively. Take safe as consideration, the comprosser of the unit is equipped with two ones produced by coopland with the same type, the named refrigerating capacity of the two comprossers meet the requriments. The valves and accessories were designed or selected, and automatic control requirements and strategies were described, too. It is concluded at the final of the paper, and it points out what needs further studies.

      Key Words: overall fresh air; exhaust condensing; air conditioning unit; designing

      上傳會員 小婷 對本文的描述:第一,空調系統中的空氣盤管附近區域具有低溫與濕潤的環境,以及水冷機組的冷卻塔等給細菌與病毒創造了理想的溫床;第二,不能滿足抗非典的新風供應要求。我國絕大多數的使用......
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