

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:你好,學長 更新時間:2013-11-17
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      關鍵詞: 中小企業,成本費用,降低的途徑與方法


      Abstract:Cost is the enterprise survival and protection, is the comprehensive reflection of enterprise quality management, an important indicator of the level of. Under the condition of market economy, the pursuit of profit maximization is the main operating business goals, how to maximize the minimum input output of enterprise management is an eternal theme. That is to say the cost directly affects the economic benefits of the enterprise. So that enterprises adopt some means to reduce the cost and profit of enterprises is closely related with increases of.

         Small and medium-sized enterprises are promoting the development of national economy, the main structure of the market economy, promote social stability force. Including the developed countries in the world, the economic development of various countries, small and medium-sized enterprises have play a decisive role position, plays an irreplaceable role. This article as the research object, in the analysis of small and medium-sized enterprises on the basis of the status quo, reduce cost of small and medium-sized enterprises ways and methods.

      Key words: small and medium-sized enterprise, reduce the cost, way and method


         如今的社會商業競爭激烈,為了可以讓自己立足于社會,很多大企業都有其各自就的降低成本費用的方法,中小企業的管理者可以借鑒很多大企業的一些管理經驗,比如說塑造一個好的采購部,這個也很重要,一個好的團隊可以為公司創造很多盈利;其次,可以不斷開發供貨商,營造競爭局面,俗話說得好,貨比三家,給供貨商之間營造彼此競爭的氛圍,才會讓自己在其中得到最好的;也可以采取與供貨商共贏,現在這種情況普遍存在, 與供貨商合作,謀取共贏是有遠見的企業堅持不懈的工作。如果只顧自己的利益,將會被供貨商拋棄,名人言:“刀光劍影大火拼,雙打總比單打好。”還有像在招標工作上采取一些技巧、管理好采購員、控制好采購數量等等,很多方面都可以控制好來低成本費用。



      上傳會員 你好,學長 對本文的描述:中小企業都有著舉足輕重的地位,發揮著不可替代的作用。本文將就此為研究對象,在分析中小企業現狀的基礎上,研究降低中小企業成本費用的途徑與方法.......
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