

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:離不開你 更新時間:2014-01-26
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      Abstract:National income along with the rapid development of the domestic economy, but also a corresponding increase in high-income people more and more, followed by the formation of personal income tax revenue has also been growth quickly, then the drain is also becoming more and more serious. Personal income tax occupies an important position in the modern tax system, shoulders the important task to adjust the income gap. Therefore, loss problems will cause a great impact on tax revenue. Personal income tax is considered to be the most serious loss of tax revenue taxes, resulting in a financial loss of income, personal income distribution fair, adjust the gap between the rich and the poor role adversely impede the socio-economic sustainable development. Nantong City personal income tax loss study, understand their loss of personal income tax status quo analysis of causes of loss, to explore the governance of personal income tax loss analysis of its cost, to increase taxpayer awareness of tax law, the tax authorities tax according to law levels, and promote the continuous improvement of the personal Income Tax Law to provide countermeasures.

      Keywords  Personal income tax  tax loss  causes of the loss  Countermeasures

      上傳會員 離不開你 對本文的描述:本文以南通市個人所得稅流失為例進行研究,通過了解其個人所得稅流失現狀,分析流失成因,探尋治理個人所得稅稅收流失的方法,分析其成本,為提高納稅人依法納稅意識,稅務機......
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