

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:劉教授 更新時間:2014-02-24
      需要金幣500 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:8971
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      摘要:個人理財業務具有市場容量大、風險低、業務范圍廣、經營收入穩定的特點,成為發達國家很多大商業銀行的主導產品和重要的收益來源及利潤增長點。我國自從1978 年改革開放以前,經濟水平有了較大幅度的增長。雖然與西方發達國家相比, 我國的個人理財業務剛還在起步階段,但最近這幾年的發展卻是非常之快,人們越來越關心各種投資理財概念,投資理財產品。


      關鍵詞:個人理財   發展現狀   發展建議


      ABSTRACT:Personal finance business to have great capacity, low market risk, business scope, business income is stable characteristics, to a developed country many large commercial bank's main products and an important source of revenue and profit. Since reform and opening up in China in 1978 before, and the level of economy had relatively substantially increase. Although compared with western developed countries, China's individual financing business just fledgling, but in recent years the development is very fast, people are more and more concerned with various investment management concept, finance and investment products.

         But with the western commercial Banks of the personal financial management business developed rapidly, compared the business bank of our country the business development obvious backward, and difference. Facing the current our country commercial bank traditional business risk and loan interest is increasing, foreign Banks increasingly narrowed, the new situation of having annexed, Chinese commercial Banks should profound reflection its development lag reason, and feasible countermeasures.

      Key words   Personal finance  Development situation  Development Suggestions




      上傳會員 劉教授 對本文的描述:通過閱讀相關文獻資料,我歸納總結了國外商業銀行個人理財業務的優勢,以及我國可以從中取得的借鑒。最后,結合我國商業銀行個人理財業務的現狀,我提出了一些發展我國商業銀......
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