

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:劉教授 更新時間:2014-02-27
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      關鍵詞 籌資風險;成因;對策


      Abstract:Capital is one of the basic elements of business and investment activities, is a necessary condition for enterprise creation and development. An enterprise from business development to create the entire process needs to raise funds. It is especially important to raise capital, but with the financing, financing risk is a big problem, so to solve the financing problem of the appropriateness of the risk directly affect the enterprise future earnings. Enterprises in financing from the beginning to select reasonable scheme, reduce the cost of capital, and the risk control in the acceptable range.

         Through literature review, chart analysis, index analysis method, the risk of financing of enterprises is studied. First, analysis of the impact of financing risk of enterprises; secondly, the main causes of financing risk is proposed; furthermore, by combining with the analysis of the risk prevention in Nantong six construction financing, the financing risk prevention problems and causes, and finally puts forward some feasible suggestions, such as reasonable arrangement, the optimization of capital structure, financing channels to strengthen the budget control, create good financing environment.

      Keywords  financing risk  causes  countermeasures


      上傳會員 劉教授 對本文的描述:主要利用國內外現有的研究成果,從籌資風險的概念入手,分析形成籌資風險的原因以及籌資風險的控制和防范,提出形成籌資風險的主要原因、以及解決這些風險的對策對策,從而確......
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