

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:li145533 更新時間:2014-06-19
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:12893
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)

      摘 要:隨著近年來市場經濟的不斷發展和精神文明的不斷進步,企業利益相關群體對于企業承擔社會責任的要求與期望越來越高。真實有效地披露社會責任相關信息是企業回應利益相關方訴求、增加與利益相關方溝通的重要渠道。






      ABSTRACT:With the development of economy and spiritual civilization recently, the enterprise stakeholders in corporate require more social responsibility . The real effective disclosure of social responsibility information is the enterprise to respond to stakeholder demands, which is an  important channel to increase communication with stakeholders.

         Compared with developed countries, China started lately in the theory research and practical exploration of coporate social responsibility.What’s more,a lot of enterprises keep the wrong perception that economic interests comes first.This wrong perception results that there is no uniform system framework of social responsibility information disclosure regulations. Therefore, this paper hopes to obtain actual effect according to the correlation analysis of the research on this subject.

         Accessing to large amounts of data and CSR reports at home and abroad, the author found that at present in China, CSR report disclosure content and form progress greatly, but there are  still some disadvantages. China is not to build a unified complete disclosure framework, resulting in China's enterprises in the social responsibility information disclosure of randomness, lack of comparability and readability.

         Based on stakeholder theory as the premise, with the example of the most market attention food industry giants Inner Mongolia Yili Coporation ,the auther analyse the situation of CSR information disclosure in recent years.With thinking and studying a lot of excellent CSR reports,the auther give some suggests about China's corporate social responsibility information disclosure system of content and form in the based of learning from other countries advanced experience.

      Keywords: Social Responsibility;Information Disclosure;Yili;The Stakeholder Theory;Corporate Social Responsibility Report

      上傳會員 li145533 對本文的描述:與國外發達國家相比,我國在企業社會責任理論研究和實踐探索都起步較晚,且眾多企業經濟利益第一的錯誤觀念根深蒂固,導致我國現在還沒有統一的系統框架規范企業社會責任信息......
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