

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:笑笑 更新時間:2014-07-23
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      關鍵詞:商業銀行 風險識別 內部控制


      Abstract: This paper mainly studies the internal control of commercial bank in china. In the full study of domestic and foreign internal control theory and the theory of knowledge in the classroom to learn and self in commercial banks based on practice experience, found that the risk of China commercial bank internal control to produce mostly inefficient, therefore, to our country commercial bank internal control present situation and the existing problems were investigated from the analysis, some elements of the internal control system construction of reality and summarizes some factors which restrict the internal control of commercial banks in china. On the basis on the problem analysis and put forward some improvement of the internal control system of Commercial Bank of our country views and suggestions. Finally, combined with the theory and knowledge of  case analysis, through the analysis of three international famous case, as well as a well-known case in China to warn us of internal control system in every link, need to take seriously, otherwise it will be very prone to error.

      Key word: commercial   bank Risk Identification   internal controls

      上傳會員 笑笑 對本文的描述:本文將對商業銀行內部控制體系進行分析研究,提出完善適應于我國市場經濟發展、合理的商業銀行內控的基本路線。為我國商業銀行體系內樹立一套以內部風險控制為特征的規章完善......
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