

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:xubanban 更新時間:2014-08-01
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      關鍵詞:上市公司 內部控制 控制環境  


      Abstract: The control environment is affecting the company in building, policy development, such as the implementation of various programs and the resulting efficiency factors that strengthen or weaken the control environment can be divided into internal control environment and external control environment. Internal control are implemented in a specific controlled environment, and it is adapted to the particular control environment, and therefore, the process control system of the internal functioning of the internal control system is to control the environmental impact of the process of mutual interaction, control environment not only directly affect the establishment of internal control, but also directly determine the effect of the implementation of internal control, affect the realization of the internal control objectives. Therefore, to strengthen and improve internal controls, you should first optimize the control environment. 

      Key words: listed companies  internal control  controlled environment

      上傳會員 xubanban 對本文的描述:本文針對現有的上市公司控制環境存在的問題展開了具體而又詳盡的分析,并通過具體的案例來為上市公司提出合理化建議。與此同時也是為了避免上市公司出現重大損失,為了不讓上......
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