

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:易小編 更新時間:2014-08-25
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      摘要:國際金融危機和歐債危機持續影響,全球經濟格局和金融體系正在發生復雜而深刻的歷史變革。中國經濟總體運行平穩,但依然面對經濟下行壓力和產能過剩的矛盾。金融業處于世界經濟的核心地位,銀行業是金融發展的發動機,商業銀行則是銀行業的最佳代表。十年前,國外媒體關于中國的商業銀行“技術性破產”的評價鋪天蓋地,悲觀情緒彌漫。十年后,中國已經有100余家銀行躋身世界前1 000家銀行之列。充分證明中國商業銀行在世界經濟低迷的情況下依然保持了安全穩定、資本充足、資產優良、盈利較快增長的良好勢頭。同時,中國的金融監管深化、利率市場化步伐加快、消費者對金融服務要求日益提升。而商業銀行的盈利模式是生存與發展的必要前提,而盈利質量是生存與發展的重要因素。為此,怎樣完善我國商業銀行的盈利模式、調高我國商業銀行的盈利質量成為目前的焦點與熱點。所以在此基礎上,本文以商業銀行的盈利模式、盈利質量為關鍵點做嘗試性研究。

      關鍵詞:商業銀行  盈利模式  盈利質量


      ABSTRACT:Under the influence of the international financial crisis and the continuing impact of the European debt crisis, the global economic and financial system is undergoing complicated and profound historical declension.Chinese economy is running smoothly, but still face downward pressure on the contradictions from economy and overcapacity .Financial sector is in the core of the world economy,the banking sector is the engine of development of finance,while commercial banking is the best representative of the banking industry.Ten years ago, the evaluation about Chinese commercial banks of "technical bankruptcy" were overwhelming among foreign media,filled with pessimism.Ten years later, China has more than 100 banks among the world's top 1,000 banks,which proved that when in the world economic downturn,Chinese commercial banks continued to maintain a safe and stable, capital adequacy, asset quality, profitability and rapid growth momentum.Meanwhile, the deepening of China's financial supervision,Acceleration of  the pace of interest rate market, and the consumer financial services requirements' rising appear.The commercial banks' profitability model is a necessary prerequisite for the survival and development, and the quality of earnings is an important factor in the survival and development.Therefore, how to improve Chinese commercial banks' profit model,increase the quality of China's commercial banks' profitability become the focus of the current hot spots.On this basis, the thesis take drys to do the research the key point of profit model of commercial banks and earnings quality .

      Keywords:commercial bank,  profit model,  quality of earning

      上傳會員 易小編 對本文的描述:一家銀行必須有選擇地吸引一部分特定顧客,在顧客心目中確立一個位置。這樣就必須進行準確的盈利模式定位,以及盈利質量的提升。堅持“有所為,有所不為”的戰略,開辟“藍海......
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