

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:Angela 更新時間:2013-09-02
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      ABSTRACT:With the establishment and developing of modern enterprises system,People are Paying more and more attention to the study of input-output relationship,the cost holds the very important status in the enterprise competition.And as far as enterprises are concerned in this matter,we can say that,costs management is truly a topic of eternity.The ultimate goal of iron and steel enterprises is to meet economic and social needs, and to persue the maximum profit. The current international economic environment and business structures and steel industry development model determines that we can only use scientific management method to achieve the purpose.How links to our country reality,profits from the overseas advanced cost managerial experience well,raises the iron and steel enterprises of China cost management level,reduces our country and the advanced countries in the cost management aspect disparity,is current the work which most important we should do in the cost management.

         The purpose of this article lies in attempting to provide modern cost management to the iron and steel enterprises of China and making them reduce cost consistently and enhance the competitive advantage.This article has mainly used,the standard analysis,the comparative analysis and the cases study analysis.

      Keywords: Iron and Steel Company, Cost Management, Strategic Cost Management, competition Strategy.


      上傳會員 Angela 對本文的描述:目前我國鋼鐵企業在成本管理中面臨的問題,根據鋼鐵生產過程中成本發生的特點,結合現代成本管理理論,主要是結合戰略成本管理理論嘗試給我國鋼鐵企業提供一種現代成本管理方......
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