

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:我是小強 更新時間:2013-09-08
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      摘要:隨著我國市場經濟不斷的向前發展 ,會計信息質量更是在經濟生活中顯得日益重要。會計信息最基本的質量特征就是決策有用性,會計信息的質量直接關系到決策者的決策及其后果。在我國,提高會計信息質量是當前會計工作的中心任務,也是廣大投資者對會計人員提出的迫切要求。然而當今企業會計信息質量失真現狀嚴重,會計信息質量虛假案例舉不勝舉。許多會計人員由于各種原因,虛構會計信息,這不但損害會計人員的自身利益,更會擾亂市場經濟的正常秩序,嚴重阻礙了市場經濟的發展。可見,提高會計信息質量則勢在必行。



      Abstract:As China's market economy continues to imporve, the quality of accounting information in economic life is becoming increasingly important. Qualitative characteristics of accounting information is the most basic decision-usefulness of accounting information quality that directly related to the decision makers and their consequences. In China, improving the quality of accounting information is the central task of the current accounting, but it is also the majority of investors, the accounting officer of an urgent requirement. However, the quality of accounting information in today's corporate status of a serious distortion, false accounting information quality cases abound. The number of accounting personnel for various reasons, fictitious accounting information, which not only damage the interests of the accounting staff,but also will disrupt the normal order of market economy, a serious impediment to the development of market economy. Visibly, that is imperative to improve the quality of accounting information.

      Key Words:Quality of Accounting Information; Zhejiang JY group ;Information distortion




      上傳會員 我是小強 對本文的描述:今企業會計信息質量失真現狀嚴重,會計信息質量虛假案例舉不勝舉。許多會計人員由于各種原因,虛構會計信息,這不但損害會計人員的自身利益,更會擾亂市場經濟的正常秩序,嚴......
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