

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:我是小強 更新時間:2013-09-08
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      Abstract:The personal income tax is a type of tax attained from the income of individual taxpayers. Personal income tax is one of the most important taxes in many countries, and also one of the fastest growing taxes in China. With the development of China's economy being so rapidly there comes  more and more personal income tax taxpayers and it influences increasingly the social and economic lives of the people. Over the years, theorists have come to some consensus after analyzing the personal income tax system from different perspectives, but they still each have their own say when it comes to the problems such as  tax model, the rate and cost deductions. Although the personal income tax system in China has gone through several reforms, there are still some needs in improvement and perfection. In this context, combined with the usual understanding of the tax practice in tax research and internship, I chose the problems on the personal income tax system in China to discuss. Comprehensively sort out and analyze the personal income tax system problems, Through my thorough carding and analysis of personal income tax system, that has many unreasonable factors in tax law, if the level is low, low tax rates is defective, the cost of illegal issues and analysis of the causes of these problems, propose improvements cost deduction system, the strengthening of tax reports, resume, taxpayer's credit rating, and other related recommendations.

      Key words:Personal income tax, Taxation regime models, Taxation administration, Taxation equity


      上傳會員 我是小強 對本文的描述:對個人所得稅制度進行全面梳理和分析,得出了我國稅法中已有諸多不合理因素,如立法層次低、稅率有缺陷、違法成本低等問題,然后分析了這些問題存在的原因,提出等改進費用扣......
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