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摘要:隨著我國房價的不斷高企,老百姓要購買個人住房的能力在不斷下降,隨之而來的便是商業銀行個人住房貸款業務迎來飛速發展的歷史時刻。我國的個人住房貸款起步晚、發展快。個人住房貸款潛在信貸風險不容忽視,尤其是在目前房地產業快速發展和居民購房意愿持續趨強的情況下,銀行普遍注重個人住房貸款的擴張,對其風險缺乏足夠的分析和評價,而個人住房貸款業務的特點就是期限長,不確定因素多。 結合一定的實證分析,一方面從理論分析我國個人住房貸款存在的各種風險以及管理的必要性,另一方面用實證分析,通過借鑒國內外個人住房貸款管理的成功經驗,結合我國實際,研究我國商業銀行個人住房貸款的風險控制措施。力圖對我國商業銀行提高風險管理水平有一定的幫助。 關鍵詞:商業銀行;個人住房貸款;風險管理及控制
Abstract:House prices inch higher unceasingly, while the house purchasing power of ordinary people is going down. Consequently, individual housing loan business of commercial banks usher in a period of rapid development. Individual housing loan in our country has a late start, but it is developing rapidly. However, the potential credit risk of individual housing loan cannot be ignored. Throughout these years, real estate keeps developing fast while the wishes of house purchase of residents keeps enhancing. Besides, individual housing loan business is usually long-term and has excessive uncertainty. Nevertheless, commercial banks generally focus on the expansion of individual housing loan without sufficient analysis and evaluation of risk. Based on a certain number of solid evidence, this thesis can be divided into two main parts. The first part is going to analyze the risks of individual housing loan in our country and the necessity of risks management from the theory aspect. And the second part will discuss the risks control methods of China's commercial banks combining the successful experience of individual housing loan management at home and abroad and the reality of the country. This thesis strives to help to improve the risk management level of China's commercial banks. Key words: Commercial banks; Individual housing loan; Risk management and control
個人住房貸款業務作為個人銀行業務的一種,對各大商業銀行來說是一項重要的資產業務。這項業務發展的情況,貸款質量以及能否安全回收,與銀行盈利能力的高低及銀行的社會形象息息相關。在市場經濟條件下,特別是融資渠道多樣化的今天,其風險點及風險防范的措施亦越來越復雜。因此,我國商業銀行必須盡快建立和健全個人信貸業務的風險防范管理體系,加強對個人住房貸款業務的操作風險、道德風險、市場風險等可能招致造成資產損失的風險進行有效控制及管理。進一步加強企業文化和基礎設施建設,建立科學的個人住房信貸業務信息管理系統,從而實現銀行經濟價值的最大化。 此外,我們還應該積極拓寬思路,學習國外先進管理經驗以減少個人住房貸款的風險,積極鼓勵采取市場化的手段轉移風險,推進資產證券化市場的發展,比如開展個人住房抵押貸款證券化,以調節銀行短存長貸的結構匹配,緩解銀行流動性壓力,增強銀行整體抗風險能力。