

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:園丁小瞳 更新時間:2013-09-28
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      摘要:隨著市場經濟的發展、稅收制度的完善,稅收的可籌劃性逾發突出。稅收籌劃行為作為財務管理的重要內容,是重要經濟環境要素和財務決策中的重要經濟變量,對完善企業財務管理制度、實現財務管理目標,為企業更具有競爭力等具有舉足輕重的意義。開展稅收籌劃是市場經濟下企業的一項合法行為,它有利于提高企業財務管理水平,增強企業競爭力,有助于企業財務管理目標的實現。目前,稅收籌劃開始步入中國 中國企業的稅收籌劃意識在不斷增強,為中國企業與國際接軌創造了條件。

      關鍵詞: 財務管理;稅收籌劃;企業管理


      Abstract:With the development of market economy and improvement of the tax system,the planning of tax becomes more outstanding.Tax planning,as an important part of financial management,is a key economic variable of important element of economic and financial decision—making,and is significant to improve the financial management system and achieve the goal of financial management and make the enterprise more competitive.Tax planning,a lawful activity in a market economy,is conducive to raise the level of corporate financial management and improve the enterprises’ competence.Meanwhile,it also contribute to achieve the corporate financial management target,At present,tax planning has found its way in China.The increasingly strong sense of tax planning of the Chinese enterprises has created the condition of connecting the Chinese enterprises with the international market.

      Key Words:financial management;tax planning;Enterprise management




      上傳會員 園丁小瞳 對本文的描述:開展稅收籌劃是市場經濟下企業的一項合法行為,它有利于提高企業財務管理水平,增強企業競爭力,有助于企業財務管理目標的實現。目前,稅收籌劃開始步入中國 中國企業的稅收籌......
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