

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:學大教育 更新時間:2013-10-07
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      摘要:在當今社會上,民營中小型企業由于企業制度不健全, 在其經營活動中存在許多不規范的經營行為和經營管理,造成了大量的虛假會計信息。民營中小企業管理結構的規范往往還是形式上的規范, 需要真正落實到操作層面,實現完善的企業管理機制, 還要有健全有效的內部控制制度的保障,企業需要成本管理置于企業制度的廣泛空間,實現企業制度的效用,從企業中分析中小民營企業制度和成本管理的關系,以及如何在中小民營企業制度下加強成本管理,幫助企業形成競爭優勢,促進企業發展。我國市場經濟起步較晚,與西方發達國家相比,我國的成本管理還存在很多問題,本文就以成本管理與中小民營企業制度闡明幾方面的內容。



      Abstract:In today's society, small and medium-sized enterprise because private enterprise system is not perfect, in its business operations have many norms of business behavior and business management, caused a large number of false accounting information. The structure of the small and medium-sized private enterprises management standard or in the form of the standard often, need to really putting to the operation level, realize perfect enterprise management mechanism, but also a healthy and effective system of internal control of security, the enterprise needs to cost management in enterprise system wide space, realize the utility of the enterprise system, from the enterprise in analysis of small and medium-sized private enterprises and cost management system, and the relationship between how in small and medium-sized private enterprises to strengthen the cost management system, help enterprise form competitive advantage, and promote the development of the enterprise. Our country market economy start later, and the western compared with that of the developed countries of the cost management in China has many problems, this paper the cost management of small and medium-sized private enterprises and clarify the contents of a system. 

      Key words: Small and medium-sized private enterprises, enterprise system, cost management




      上傳會員 學大教育 對本文的描述:企業只有在成本管理這一塊找到更好的突破才能使得企業在當今競爭激烈的市場里得到更好的發展,如何讓企業的成本管理體系更加完善已經成為企業當前面臨的重大課題......
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