

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:我的男朋友 更新時間:2013-10-13
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      關鍵詞: 所得稅法;會計準則;會計核算


      Abstract:China's current accounting standard for business enterprises, is based on the" accounting law" designation, its assets, liabilities, income, cost and other confirmation, measurement and report has its rationality in theory, accounting reflects accountant the discipline of its own scientific and operable. And the corporate income tax law as country to maintain its rule, ensure financial income, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of taxpayers to ensure reliable, two based on different purposes, from different disciplines, to the same elements of the recognition, measurement and reporting, inevitable meeting produces different difference.

         In income tax accounting practice, dealing with economic business, income tax accounting will inevitably encounter the income tax laws and regulations and the provisions of accounting standards of different contradictions, this paper aims to be income tax laws and regulations and accounting standards organically combined with each other, analysis, applying appropriate accounting method is avoided because the difference between the two and bring unnecessary cost increase, in accounting, to ensure the tax law authority, but also reflects the enterprise accounting standards accounting operation.

      Key Words:income tax law;accounting standards;accounting




      上傳會員 我的男朋友 對本文的描述:在所得稅會計實務當中,處理經濟業務、進行所得稅的會計核算不可避免地會遇到所得稅法律法規和會計準則規定不同而產生矛盾,本文旨在將所得稅法律法規和現行會計準則有機地相......
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