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摘要:存貨是指企業在生產經營過程中為生產或銷售而儲備的物資,是企業重要的流動資產。企業存貨管理的好壞,與其發展息息相關。本文通過分析我國中小企業存貨管理的現狀和存在的問題,探討加強和完善企業存貨管理的對策,以希達到提高企業經濟效益、促進企業經營目標實現的目的。 關鍵詞:存貨管理;問題;途徑
Abstract:Inventories are materials what store for production or sales in enterprise production and management process,is an important part of enterprise current assets. The quality of enterprises' inventory management is closely related to the development of enterprises. In this dissertation, I describe the analysis of the present situation and the main issues in the inventory management for SMEs. At last,it shows the strategies to strengthen and improve the enterprises' inventory management,which can make the enterprises achieve greater economic efficiency and business goals. Key words:Inventory Management;Problem;Method