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摘要:隨著城市建設日益加快,象征著城市面貌的出租車行業也將加速發展。現在各大中城市出租車行業都已普及自動計價器,所以計價器技術的發展有很好的前景。盡管小城市尚未普及,但計價器的普及也是毫無疑問的,所以未來汽車計價器的市場還是十分有潛力的。 出租車計價器是單片機的一種典型應用。基于單片機的計價器是由單片機和外部電路組成。包括檢測模塊,控制模塊,人機模塊。里程檢測模塊和紅外對側傳感器構成,控制模塊包括STC89C52單片機和紅外對側傳感器,人機模塊包括獨立鍵盤和LED動態顯示。 關鍵詞:STC89C52;紅外對側傳感器;獨立鍵盤和LED顯示
ABSTRACT:Along with the city construction is accelerating, symbolizing the city landscape taxi industry will also accelerate the development of. It is now the major city taxi industry have universal automatic meter, meter technology development has a very good prospect. Despite the small city has not yet universal, but the popularity meter is no doubt, so the future of the automobile market valuation is still potential. MCU Taximeter is a typical application of. Based on microcontroller Taximeter is composed of a single-chip microcomputer and the external circuit. Includes detection module, control module, man-machine module. Mileage detecting module and an infrared sensor. On the side, the control module includes STC89C52 SCM and infrared contralateral sensor, man-machine module includes independent keyboard and LED dynamic display. Key words: STC89C52; infrared sensor on the side; independent keyboard and LED display
通過對基于Proteus 7.5的仿真和實際電路的測試結果分析,表明用此方法設計的計價器。實現了計價功能,此外還增加了等待計時功能,,并且能實時顯示總金額,運行單價等詳細信息;且能很方便的在不改變硬件電路的情況下通過改變軟件實現計價精度的提高,進行功能上的擴展,如可把現有的計價器轉變為計速器,完善的功能使得基于STC89C52單片機的出租車計價器的通用性和實用性有著無可比擬的優勢,具有很高的現實意義和很好的市場前景。