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      資料分類:電氣工程 上傳會員:圈圈 更新時間:2014-07-14
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      關鍵詞 水位控制;西門子S7-200;液位傳感器;控制模塊;設定值


      Abstract:Control and monitoring of water level is more and more applied in the agricultural and industrial production. At the same time, the water level control is becoming more and more important in life. However, with the fast development of society, the quality of people life rise ceaselessly, the demand for water is also constantly improve, the traditional method of water level control relying on software programming implementation start to show it’s shortage, large energy consumption and inconvenient maintenance, operating complex defects exposed gradually, people is not satisfied with it for the actual needs .

         Based on the traditional with the Siemens series S7-200 PLC as the core, on the basis of joining PID closed loop control method, the water tower water level to achieve integrated control. Adding sensors and control modules to traditional control system. Principle was A liquid level sensor to measure the actual level of transmitted to PLC, PLC through A/D conversion, liquid level value could be converted to digital quantity comparing with set point, through differential control pumps and valves, water or water, at the same time equipped with alarm circuit, when the water level above or below a set point, alarm, and control module used for displaying the was whole process and the overall control. It is very good in this paper that PLC control combined with PID control method has formed a better water level control scheme.

      Keywords  Water level Control  Siemens S7-200  Sensor  Control Module  Set Point

      上傳會員 圈圈 對本文的描述:緒論部分主要介紹水塔水位的發展和現狀及針對這種現狀采用的方法和措施;第二章發展歷程、組成結構、原理及工作方式;第三章通過對比傳統方案設計出新的PID控制方案,并加以論......
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