

      資料分類:精選論文 上傳會員:禹珊 更新時間:2014-05-05
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      關鍵字:飯店   旅游業  可持續發展


      Abstract: Our country’s hospitality industry has shown a rapid and complete development trend from the execution of the reform and open policy. Hotel industry is one of the three pillars of the tourism industry and an important source of income, and the hotel industry is an important responsibility for the sustainable development of tourism imperative. Along with world economic development, the people to environmental protection's attention deepening, the hotel sustainable development becomes the essential link.  Understand the hotel's position and role in the tourism industry, in view of the present external environment and present situation in our country hotel industry development, and to make improvements measures. Analyze current situation of tourism development, and reveal the question which still exists in the tourism development process. Comprehending the theory of sustainable tourism development, put forward advises for sustainable development of hotel.

      Key words: hotel; tourism; sustainable development

      上傳會員 禹珊 對本文的描述:我國旅資源十分豐富,名山大川和歷史文化名城較多,但由于我國的旅游開發史較短,目前尚為發展中國家旅游開發模式。人們對旅游與環境之間的關系,尚缺乏科學理解,那種“旅游業......
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