

      資料分類:精選論文 上傳會員:艾薇兒 更新時間:2013-07-08
      需要金幣500 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文,開題報告,任務書 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:12623
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)



      關鍵詞:家族企業  發展  問題  對策


      Abstract:In main China, thanks to the reforming and opening policy, Chinese economy is unprecedently vigorous therefore, private economy is developing rapidly and it plays an important role in the national economy. As the private economical organization, the number of family enterprise is increasing at a high speed. And most of private enterprises are family enterprise or take the management pattern of family enterprises.

         In the light of the constant promotion of private enterprise in Chinese economy and the leading role of the family enterprise, it becomes pressing how to lead Chinese family enterprise to develop healthily. This thesis points out the problems of family enterprise through studying the specific environment of formation and developing process. And it analyzes the factors of restricting its development. Therefore it puts forward that Chinese family enterprise should develop on the basis of the following strategies: perfecting the market environment, setting up the corporation system, establishing correct strategies, valuing and attracting qualified personnel, giving full play to the governmental function, etc.

      Key Words:Family enterprise   Development   Challenges   Solution


      上傳會員 艾薇兒 對本文的描述:針對當前私營企業在中國經濟中所處地位不斷提高的事實,以及家族企業這種企業模式在企業中所占的主導位置,如何引導中國家族企業健康發展成為急需解決的問題。本文通過對中國......
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