

      資料分類:課件試題 上傳會員:艾薇兒 更新時間:2013-07-09
      需要金幣1000 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:9170
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)


      關鍵詞:  高考;力學;分析;預測;建議


      Abstract:Entrance examination is an important content of national education examinations, Through the analysis in the Recent Five Years  (2007 -2011) the  national college entrance examination part II volume physical and mechanical test, Understanding mechanical test of college entrance examination questions, examine key trends and propositions, As well as issues such as the proportion of, the appropriate forecast trends of college entrance examination, study of the sum of knowledge, put forward questions to guide the teaching of teaching.

      Key words:College entrance examination;  Mechanics;  Analysis;  Forecast; advise 


      上傳會員 艾薇兒 對本文的描述:了解高考力學試題的題型變化、考查重點和命題變化趨勢,以及高中各個力學的重要知識點在試卷中所占比例等問題,預測高考走向,并歸納總結常考知識點,提出教學注意問題以指導......
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