

      資料分類:企業經濟 上傳會員:soso 更新時間:2014-04-25
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:10538
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      Abstract:With economic development, consumers’ demands on food become higher and higher. Coupled with the continuous development of domestic and international catering trade, the trade has become more competitive, especially among small and medium sized restaurants. The FengboZhuang Restaurants, with its unique marketing strategy, manage to maintain its share in the market. Its branch restaurant on Hunan Road, Nanjing, following its unique strategy, has been succeeding in attracting consumers. General marketing strategies of Small restaurants are simply analyzed, and that of the FengboZhuang Restaurant on Hunan Road is intensely analyzed. According to the current FengboZhuang Restaurant’ status, marketing strategy, new proposals are put forward, aiming at successfully promoting further development of its model.

      Key Words: Marketing Strategy;4Ps;FengboZhuang Restaurant

      上傳會員 soso 對本文的描述:中小餐飲店4Ps市場營銷是由產品(Product),價格(Price),渠道(Place)和促銷(Promotion)四個營銷要素組合形成的餐飲市場營銷方式。其4Ps市場營銷組合的每個變量又包含了若干分變量。......
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