

      資料分類:企業經濟 上傳會員:soso 更新時間:2014-04-25
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      [摘要]中小企業是我國國民經濟發展的重要組成部分和重要力量, 在增加就業、促進科技進步、繁榮經濟等方面發揮著不可忽視而且不可替代的作用。截至2009年9月底,全國工商登記企業1030萬戶(不含3130萬個體工商戶),按現行中小企業劃分標準測算,中小企業達1023.1萬戶,超過企業總戶數的99%。中小企業創造的最終產品和服務價值相當于國內生產總值的60%左右,繳稅額為國家稅收總額的50%左右,提供了近80%的城鎮就業崗位。

         但是隨著經濟改革的不斷深入, 中小企業的發展問題日益突出, 而中小企業受融資難問題的困擾, 其發展舉步艱難。本文針對中小企業發展中的融資難問題,從不同的角度分析中小企業融資難的主要原因, 提出相應的對策。



      [Abstract] As the important part and the vigor power of our country national economy development, medium and small enterprises (SEMs) play an indispensable and irreplaceable role in increasing job opportunities, stimulating the enhancement of S&T, boosting the economy. By the end of September 2009, about 10.231 million enterprises have registered with the State Commerce and Industry Bureau, excluding 31.30 million industrial and commercial households. According to the recent designated standards for the division, SEMs reach to 10.231 million households, which have exceeded the total number of the enterprises about 99%.The value of all final goods and services created by SEMs takes up 60% of the GDP. Furthermore, SEMs make up 50% of the whole national tax revenue income and provide 80% of the towns’ new jobs. 

         But along with the economic reform, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises has become an increasingly important issue , small and medium-sized enterprises are beset by difficult financing problem, their developments step difficultly. Aiming at the problems of the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises , the passage analyzes main reasons of financing difficulties in small and medium-sized enterprises from different angles, and put forward the corresponding measures .

      [Keywords]Small and medium enterprises;Financing Structure;Financing;Financing Efficiency;Internal reasons;External reasons 

      上傳會員 soso 對本文的描述:由于中小企業融資的渠道主要是依靠銀行貸款, 而銀行因信用風險較高而不愿意向中小企業提供信用貸款。而且中小企業對貸款的要求呈現出金額小、筆數多、時間緊的特點。而銀行的經......
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