一、主要內容和基本要求 (一)主要內容 《簡·愛》是夏洛蒂·勃朗特的第一部長篇小說。作者描述了一個充滿反叛、充滿愛和獨立精神的女性形象。所以我的論文題目是:簡·愛的愛情觀。 《簡·愛》反映了19世紀英國女性的追求自由、平等權利的問題,讓我們看到了一個自尊自愛的女性形象。所以論文將以簡·愛的愛情為主要線索列舉一系列例證分析女主人公簡·愛追求自由、平等的愛情觀。并透過簡·愛在愛情中堅強自尊的性格特點同時揭示她的反叛思想和女性意識。
(二)基本要求 1.首先認真研讀文本以及指定的參考資料并寫出文獻綜述; 2.在文獻綜述的基礎上考慮論文題目與主題思想(Thesis Statement) 3.主題思想描述要求: A thesis statement is a single sentence that formulates both your topic and your point of view. In a sense, the thesis statement is your answer to the central question or problem you have raised. Writing this statement will enable you to see where you are heading and to remain on a productive path as you plan and write. What purpose will you try to achieve in the paper? Do you want to describe something, explain something, argue for a certain point of view, or persuade your reader to think or do something? 4.論文寫作要求論點正確,文本分析/解讀透徹并支持論點 5.要求論文行文通順、邏輯性強、文風平實、資料詳實、引言有出處; 6.要求參考資料多為正規出版物,保證其作家權威性、資料精確性、且作為文學評論專著的長期有效性。 二、主要參考資料 Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2007 Dunn, Richard J., ed. Jane Eyre: an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism. London, New York: W.W.Norton&co, 1971 Lu, cunbo. Selected Readings in British and American Literature. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2004: 171-80 Lybyer, J. M,. Jane Eyre: notes. Nebraska, Lincoln: Cliffs: 1982 Teachman, Debra. Understanding Jane Eyre: A Student Case Book to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents. Beijing: Beijing people university press, 2008. The Bronte Sisters critical assessment. ed. Eleanor Mc Nees. Vol.3 East Sussex: Helm Information Ltd, 1996.3Vols. 張學信.論夏綠蒂·勃朗特的《簡·愛》.北京:人民文學出版社,1958 方平.為什么頂樓上藏著一個瘋女人——《簡·愛》《呼嘯山莊》研究及其他.上海:上海譯文出版社,1994:1-58 |