

      資料分類:行政論文 上傳會員:一年級3班 更新時間:2017-05-22
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      摘要: 幸福是一個常論常新的話題,馬克思站在歷史發展觀的角度提出了自己的幸福觀,闡述了實踐中的人是幸福的主體,實現幸福的最終途徑是實現共產主義,實現人的自由而全面的發展。馬克思的幸福觀對于人們認識幸福,對待不幸都有重要的價值。

      關鍵詞: 幸福;馬克思主義;當代價值 ;中國夢


      Happiness and its contemporary value of Marxism

      - interpretation of Marx's classical original works


      Abstract: Happiness is a common theory and it is often new topic.Marx who  stands in the perspective of historical development put forward its own happiness.The Marx happiness expounds the practice of the people is the subject of happiness ,which also tell us to achieve the ultimate way of happiness is to realize communism.

      Besides,Marx shows us the way to happiness is to realize the free and comprehensive development of people

      Keywords: Happiness, Marxism,The contemporary value

      上傳會員 一年級3班 對本文的描述:西方理性主義幸福觀,主要強調理性的作用,對感性主義幸福觀進行了批判,主要代表人物是蘇格拉底、柏拉圖、亞里士多德。首先是蘇格拉底,他提出“認識你自己”,反對神論,提......
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