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摘要:琵琶是一種優秀的彈撥樂器,歷史悠遠,被譽為“彈撥之王”,其音色優美、曲調豐富、表現力強,感人至深。在其漫長的發展歷史中,歷經數次高峰期,唐代是最為重要的一個時期,在唐朝,我國琵琶藝術、文化得到了空前的發展,達到了鼎盛。本文通過查閱大量的資料以及作者自身對琵琶文化的領悟,對唐代琵琶發展的歷程及其對域外音樂文化的深刻影響進行了探析。 關鍵詞:唐朝,琵琶,音樂,文化
Abstract:Back to Tang Dynasty, the Pipa was a Plucked instrument with long and rich history. It was known as the king of Plucked instrument. Pipa is distinction from other instruments by its rich melody,highly expressive, and touching feeling. In the long history development, it had been the most popular instrument several times. And of course, Tang dynasty was among the most important period. In Tang Dynasty, Pipa reached its peak in term of culture and art during that time. This article shows the author's understanding of the Pipa's culture as well as history, which also briefly analyzes the Pipa's impact and influence within and over the country board in the area of music . Keywords: Tang Dynasty, Pipa, Music, Education
唐朝是曲項琵琶演奏大力發展的重要時期,其彈撥方式主要為橫式彈撥。琵琶文化之所以在唐朝得到如此昌盛的發展主要有以下幾個方面的因素:首先是特定的歷史背景促使了琵琶文化的發展;其次就是藝人精湛的技術及大膽的改進,提供了廣闊的發展空間;再次,記譜法的改進使樂譜為傳播琵琶音樂提供了重要的媒介。琵琶音樂藝術在唐代繁榮發展的同時也在演奏技藝、形制等方面進行了改進,從而讓琵琶藝術獲得了新的生命力,因此琵琶藝術在唐朝的發展達到了高峰。當代,琵琶藝術的社會環境資源也非常成熟,具備了深厚的社會底蘊。因此,若借鑒唐代琵琶藝術發展的經驗,中西結合,在繼承傳統琵琶音樂文化的同時,不斷創新,將西方優秀的音樂文化元素融合進來,必定可以將琵琶藝術發揚光大,推向世界。 |