

      資料分類:音樂舞蹈論文 上傳會員:怪叔叔 更新時間:2014-03-19
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      摘要:在宮崎駿的每一部動漫作品中,我們總能聽到那時而優雅、靜謐、時而氣魄、宏大的神奇音符,這些音符正來自日本著名配樂大師久石讓先生。這位神奇的配樂大師,仿佛能賦予音符生命,讓觀眾仿佛乘坐著音符親身游覽宮崎駿那充滿魔幻色彩的動漫世界。 之前有人這樣評價過久石讓對動漫音樂的貢獻“久石讓可以離開宮崎駿,宮崎駿卻離不開久石讓”。動漫音樂是動漫藝術的靈魂,而久石讓不僅是動漫靈魂的創造者,更是把動漫音樂推向了世界。

      關鍵詞:久石讓 動漫 音樂 


      Abstract: In Hayao Miyazaki's each comic and animation work, we can always listen to till then but grace, quiet Mi, but boldness of vision, great miraculous note, these notes are coming from Japan famous the long stone of background music master let a Sir.This miraculous background music master, imitating the Buddha can give note life and let the audience imitate a Buddha to embark a note to sight-see a that comic and animation world that is full of a magic color of Hayao Miyazaki personally. Previous someone once evaluated long stone to let the contribution"the long stone lets to leave Hayao Miyazaki, but Hayao Miyazaki cans not gets away from a long stone to let" to comic and animation music like this.Comic and animation music is the soul of comic and animation art, while the long stone let is not only the creator of comic and animation soul, more push comic and animation music to world.

      Key words:joe hisaishi    animation    music

      上傳會員 怪叔叔 對本文的描述:大多數人對久石讓的認識是來自于宮崎駿的動漫電影。這就不得不提久石讓與宮崎駿最早合作的《風之谷》和《天空之城》這兩部動漫電影,這兩部電影里的主題曲是大家最耳熟能詳的......
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