

      資料分類:音樂舞蹈論文 上傳會員:陽の陽 更新時間:2014-07-28
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      【摘  要】《茉莉花》是一首家喻戶曉的民歌,它的歌詞最早出現在乾隆年間錢德蒼增輯的戲曲劇本《綴白裘》中,至今已有兩個多世紀了。其實,早在二百多年前《茉莉花》就已經被傳到了國外。它在流傳的過程中形成了自己的不同的地域特色。本文將對不同地域風格特點進行研究,比較。詳細的從調試以及曲式結構,旋律節奏,語言聲音特點,內容進行一些論述。對傳播非物質文化遺產做好保護與傳承。

      【關鍵詞】不同地域 特點 非物質文化 發展 保護


      [Abstract]  "Jasmine" is a well-known folk song, its lyrics first appeared in the reign of Emperor Qianlong Chandler Cang logic opera script "decorated with white fur, has been more than two centuries. In fact, as early as two hundred years ago, "Jasmine" has been spread abroad. Formed in the process of the spread of the different regional characteristics. This article will study to compare the characteristics of different regional style. Discussed in some detail from commissioning and musical structure, melody, rhythm, language sound characteristics. Do the dissemination of non-material cultural heritage protection and inheritance

      [Key word]   different geographical features of non-protection of material and cultural development

      上傳會員 陽の陽 對本文的描述:從國內到國外,一步步的發展,讓人們意識到,《茉莉花》所含有的文化內涵已經遠遠的超越了歌曲本身的意義。不僅僅成為了中國民族的象征,也是代表著國內外關系更加和諧的象征......
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