

      資料分類:音樂舞蹈論文 上傳會員:陽の陽 更新時間:2014-07-28
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      【關鍵詞】:山東海陽秧歌 人物形象塑造 錮漏 王大娘


      【Content abstract】: This paper from two aspects of macrocosm and microcosm, haiyang city in shandong province DaYangGe this famous Chinese and foreign ancient traditional folk art forms, parallel, theory and practice of the comprehensive, systematic and profound study and discussion. On the macro by the vertical and horizontal two aspects. From the vertical to haiyang DaYangGe to produce, growth, development, expansion and brilliant main spool, intuitive and systematically the legacy here a folk art treasure more comprehensive display. From lateral view, all sorts of performance art form of haiyang DaYangGe blanket, classification, and the specific content is discussed. At the micro aspect, for one of the important figures of yangko "hoop leakage" and "aunt wang" has carried on the comprehensive, profound and meticulous studies from multiple perspectives. Through these two aspects of research, the haiyang DaYangGe panorama and inherent artistic charm, especially its unique artistic characteristics are summarized, and pointed out the haiyang DaYangGe glorious history has to be. 

      【Keywords】: Shandong haiyang yangko character image molding Gu leakage aunt wang

      上傳會員 陽の陽 對本文的描述:淺談一下海陽大秧歌這一東夷遺風,以及對海陽大秧歌的各種演出藝術形式、分類、和具體內容總括進行了討論。并且詳細的對秧歌中的重要人物之一的“錮漏匠”和“王大娘”進行了......
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